Gautreau Surnames

Gautreau – Gaudreau – Goudreau

These are only three surnames found in our extensive and impressive list of surnames (over 200) that have been found across the world in the evolution of the Gautreau name. So do not assume that you are not part of our very large family since two brothers (Gilles in 1665 and Jean in 1670) and two cousins (Francois in 1632 and Louis in 1772) immigrated to Canada and we are all descendants from their genealogy, no matter how it is spelled.

You will note at the bottom of this extensive list a few names that do not have a direct link to the Gautreau name as well as surnames and nicknames.

To understand this family and it’s evolution, you must read our family book called In Search Of Our History, The Gautreaus of America available from the Association in English or French.

De Gottrau ( en Suisse ) Gaderau, Gadereau, Gadereaux, Gadero, Gaderot, Gadras, Gadrat, Gadrau, Gadreau, Gadreaud, Gadreault, Gadreaux, Gadrot, Gadrow, Gathreau, Gathreaux, Gatreau, Gatreaux, Gattereau, Gauderat, Gauderau, Gaudereau, Gaudereaux, Gaudero, Gauderot, Gaudras, Gaudrat, Gaudrau, Gaudrault, Gaudraux, Gaudreau, Gaudreault, Gaudreaux, Gaudriot, Gaudro, Gaudros, Gaudrot, Gaudrow, Gauldreau, Gauldreault, Gaultereau, Gaultreau, Gaultrot, Gauteraux, Gautereau, Gautereaux, Gautero, Gauterot, Gauthereau, Gauthereaux, Gautherot, Gauthra, Gauthras, Gauthrat, Gauthrau, Gauthraux, Gauthreau, Gauthreaux, Gauthro, Gauthrot, Gautrais, Gautrat, Gautrau, Gautraud, Gautrault, Gautraut, Gautraux, Gautré, Gautreau, Gautreaud, Gautreaux, Gautro, Gautros, Gautrot, Geaudereau, Geaudreau, Geaudreault, Geaudro, Geauthraux, Geauthreau, Geauthreaux, Geautreau, Geautreaux, Goderau, Godereau, Godereaux, Godrau, Godrault, Godraut, Godraux, Godreau, Godreault, Godreaus, Godreaux, Godriau, Godro, Godroe, Godrot, Godrots, Godrow, Goodrau, Goodreau, Goodreault, Goodreaux, Goodro, Goodroe, Goodrow, Goodrowe, Goothro, Goothrow, Goterau, Goteraud, Gotereau, Gotero, Goterot, Gothereaux, Gotherau, Gotherot, Gothraux, Gothreau, Gothreaux, Gothro, Gothroe, Gothrow, Gotraud, Gotreau, Gotreaux, Gotro, Gotroe, Gotros, Gotrot, Gotrow, Gotrouz, Gotteraux, Gottereau, Gottero, Gottrau, Gottraud, Gottraux, Gottreau, Gottreaux, Gottro, Gottrow, Goudrau, Goudrault, Goudreau, Goudreault, Goudro, Goudrot, Goudrough, Goudroux, Goudrow, Gouteraux, Goutereau, Goutereaux, Gouterot, Goutheraud, Gouthereau, Goutherot, Gouthreau, Gouthreaux, Gouthro, Gouthroe, Gouthrot, Gouthrou, Gouthrow, Goutras, Goutrau, Goutreau, Goutreault, Goutreaux, Goutro, Goutrot, Goutterault, Gudreau, Gudro, Gudroe, Gudrow, Guodrot, Gutereaux, Gutero, Guterot, Guthero, Gutheros, Guthreau, Guthreaux, Guthro, Guthroe, Guthrow, Gutreau, Gutreaux, Gutro, Gutros, Gutrot, Gutrow, Gutrou, Guttreau, Guttro, Guttrow.
( 200 )



Surnoms: –Bélair–Chavaudreuille–Labonté–Lafortune–Plaisance–

Sobriquet:–Faiseur de sabots–Lapoussière–Maringouin–Rat grillé

ATTENTION: No link with the following surnames

Gaudry, Gautron dit Larochelle, Gauvreau, Gendreau, Gendron, Godeau, Goudeau, Gourdeau.